8th-1st centuries B.C. Basque settlement called Iruña or Bengoda.More information
74 BC. The Roman Military Leader Pompey founded the city of Pompaelo.More information
1st-4th centuries. Pagan religious architecture.
467. Taking of the enclave by the Visigoths.
5th century. Primitive Christian constructions.
589. Documents originating from Christianity in Pamplona - Liliolo, Bishop of the Diocese.
715. First Muslim raid in the city.
924. Abd-al-Rahman III destroys the Christian Basilica.
1004-1035. Sancho the Great constructs a new temple.
1086. The start of the life in a commune of the Canons - construction of the canonical provision.
1100-1137. Construction of the Cathedral and the Romanesque cloister.More information
1276. Raid of the Cathedral and destruction of the Cloister - War of the Navarrería. more information
1280-1335. Building of the Gothic cloister and Cathedral ensemble rooms.More information
1391. Tearing down of the Romanesque Cathedral.More information
1394-1501. Construction of the current Gothic Cathedral.More information
1782-1804. Neoclassical façade and bell ringer’s house, designed by Ventura Rodríguez.More information
1860. Secularisation of the Cathedral chapter.
1946. Relocation of the choir from the central nave to the presbytery.
1960. Inauguration and opening of the Diocesan Museum.
1992-1994. Restoration of the Cathedral and discovery of archaeological remains from other periods.More information
All the information (Spanish language) available:
Fernández-Ladreda, C. (Dir. ª), El arte gótico en Navarra, Gobierno de Navarra, 2015.More information
VV.AA, La Catedral de Pamplona, tomos I-II, Caja de Ahorros de Navarra, 1994.More information