10 Ambulatory
The chapel of Sandoval and its altarpiece, headed by St. Benito, were made from 1632 to 1634.
The altarpiece of St. Augustine (17th century) holds the remains of St. Columba. On both sides there are paintings of the Birth of Jesus and the Epiphany.
The altarpiece of the Priests (1713, by Fermín de Larráinzar) is dedicated to St. Barbara and St. Águeda with other saints. The crucified Christ on the bottom section was made in the 17th century and the urn of St. Fidel is dated 1731.
The altarpiece of San Fermín, also from 1713 and by the same sculptor, is headed by this saint. Inside the urn are the remains of St. Deodata.
The Last Supper and Jesus Praying in the Orchard (1840) are Neoclassical paintings made by Juan Gálvez.
The altarpiece of St. Thomas (1507), also called as ‘of the Caparroso family’, is headed by the disbelief of St. Thomas’s sculpture. The scenes of the Passion of Christ are in the Predella, the scenes of the life of the Virgin to the left, the Easter Cycle on the right and the Coronation of the Virgin at the top.
The altarpiece of Piety (1600) has a relief representing the Virgin Mary holding the body of Christ. On the top is the coat of arms of the Habsburg dynasty.